your thirteenth week

You decided it was time to show off how strong you were.

So you rolled.

From your front onto your back.

We were so excited,
because it seemed like the beginnings of you moving around by your self.
And we were worried, 
because it seemed like the beginnings of you moving around by your self.

Once you realised how you had managed it, 
there was no stopping you.
You would roll every time you were put on your tummy.

You could also hold toys now.
But it mainly happened by accident.

You would grab a part of a toy that was dangling down,
but you wouldn't realise until your moved your arms 
and hit yourself in the face with whatever you were holding.

You were starting to show a definite preference for your stuffed octopus called Ozzy.

When there were lots of toys to look at,
Ozzy always got the best smiles.

If you were starting to grizzle,
Ozzy cheered you up again.

Whenever we left the house,
Ozzy came too.

We had to retire more of your clothes to the "next time" box.

You seemed to be growing up so fast . . .

. . . Maybe a little too fast . . .

. . . But we couldn't wait to see your next big milestones.

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