Rich is loving
* watching Preacher on Amazon Prime.
* getting to see all of Dylan's school work from this year.
* seeing Ashlyn crawling about.
* some really good work training in Germany.
* having a new phone with 4G.
Lucy is loving
* having all three kiddos home for six weeks.
* seeing Quinny getting so mobile.
* two amazing end of year reports for Dylan and Everly.
* the performing arts festival at Dylan's school.
* the fact that we've been married for seven years TODAY!
Dylan is loving
* the school holiday finally being here.
* singing songs from his school performing arts festival.
* reading his book all about the human body.
* playing Pokemon Go.
* swimming in Nanny's hot tub.
Everly is loving
* picnics.
* collecting My Little Pony blind bags.
* her jelly flip flops.
* getting Quinny to smile for her.
* summer dresses.
Ashlyn is loving
* crawling everywhere and standing up.
* food, especially Ella's Kitchen Bangers and Mash.
* sleeping in her new cot.
* stealing the television remotes.
* Mummy!!!!