Rich is loving
* having our first barbecue of the year.
* Liverpool in the Champions League.
* Quinn's little shows.
* power washing the patio.
* having our new baby.
Lucy is loving
* seeing our FOUR children together.
* going for afternoon tea with my mum and nan.
* a quiet Spring break together at home.
* our newly decorated bedroom.
* having a newborn to snuggle again.
Dylan is loving
* his baby brother.
* playing in the garden.
* reading 'Ratburger'.
* show rehearsals.
* playing on the Nintendo Switch.
Everly is loving
* getting to wear make up for her dance show rehearsals.
* watching 'The Greatest Showman'.
* wearing summery clothes.
* being a mini mummy.
* reading her school books.
Quinn is loving
* using the big girl toilet.
* Lindt chocolate bunnies.
* reading and watching 'Room On The Broom'.
* putting on shows in the fireplace.
* being a big sister.
Wylder is loving
* cuddles.
* milk.
* his family singing him 'A Million Dreams'.
* keeping people on their toes.
* arriving early!