Daddy is loving
* riding a boat down the Thames.
* watching the beautiful boy's Tangled show.
* seeing the kids' faces on the London Eye.
* lots of Daddy and kiddos time.
* Lucy's Mexican soup.
Mummy is loving
* little hints at Spring time and more blue sky days.
* a lovely day out for the little man's birthday.
* her new black skinny jeans.
* spa weekends away with friends.
* swimming.
The beautiful boy is loving
* being four.
* anything to do with London.
* taking part in Tangled holiday workshops.
* talking about his "chums" from preschool.
* winning..... not so good with losing though.
The beautiful girl is loving
* taking care of everything.
* that her feet reach the foot rests on the seesaw at the park.
* watching videos of herself at BabyBallet classes.
* chocolate eggs in an egg cup after dinner.
* choosing her own hair accessories.