Daddy is loving
* having time with the wifey in Somerset.
* listening to the Royal Blood album.
* eating mini eggs by the bag load.
* how excited the kids got at the sight of some snow.
* playing Call of Duty multiplayer.
Mummy is loving
* watching The Vampire Diaries and Scandal.
* having an amazing night away courtesy of i-escape.
* reading The Mortal Instruments series.
* doing yoga.
* going on weekly adventures.
The beautiful boy is loving
* telling everyone that it's going to be his birthday soon.
* having 'proper big boy reading books' from preschool.
* dipping tortilla chips in Mummy's speciality mexican soup.
* playing Disney Jr Play on the iPad.
* visiting the castle in Colchester.
The beautiful girl is loving
* singing and dancing to Shake It Off by Taylor Swift and Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars.
* her new big girl bed.
* eating "chocat eggs".
* wearing her wooly hat because it "really windy".
* playing hide-and-seek under her towel after bath time.