me and mine {march}


{our beautiful story} week thirteen

sunday 24th march
snuggling up with uncle matt

monday 25th march
getting used to this weaning lark

tuesday 26th march
mmmmm, sweet potato is yummy

wednesday 27th march
sleepy bunnies waiting to hop

thursday 28th march
her daddy's cheeky smile

 friday 29th march
 learning to blow belly raspberries

saturday 30th march
a little ballerina


twenty-seven weeks new

You were getting so big so fast.


adventures in weaning

When the time came to wean my beautiful boy
I was full of trepidation to say the least.
In truth, I spent the day before he turned six months
crying at random intervals.
I was mourning the loss of the teeny baby days,
I was full of some serious anxiety about him needing anything other than me,
I was worried about what to feed him, how to feed him, when to feed him.
But what a difference a baby makes...!


a second birth story - part twelve

You can read the beautiful girl's birth story so far on the birth stories page.

Having had an epidural at 4cm dilated, 
I promptly dilated the final 6cm in 45 minutes.
I was now waiting, resting, giving the baby a chance to descend
and getting myself ready for what was to come . . .




{our beautiful story} week twelve

sunday 17th march
happy little water baby

monday 18th march
beautiful bookworm boy

tuesday 19th march
i just love her

wednesday 20th march
the watching 'tangled' position

thursday 21st march
six months old today

friday 22nd march
playing with his favourite puzzle

saturday 23rd march
first tastes are so much fun


twenty-six weeks new

It was amazing to think you were half a year old already.


half a year

music credit: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

Our beautiful girl is six whole months old.
Half of a year has passed
since she came into the world,
joined our family
and made us all fall head-over-heels in love with her.

Happy half birthday beautiful girl.
We love you to the moon and back.

Love from

Mummy, Daddy and your Big Brother
x x x

a second birth story - part eleven

The full story so far can be found on the birth stories page...

I had been working through my contractions really well
until suddenly I wasn't.
I was ready for an epidural
but was fighting an increasing urge to push.


{our beautiful story} week eleven

sunday 10th march
a big brother. a little sister. the best of friends.

monday 11th march
he'd have made a pretty girl

tuesday 12th march
the cheekiest little smile

wednesday 13th march
stretching out on mummy and daddy's bed

thursday 14th march
making the most of wide open spaces

friday 15th march
her feet are her favourite toys

saturday 16th march
explorations in pillow mountain climbing


twenty-five weeks new

You celebrated a special day,
a special day for Mummy.


making new friends

A few weeks ago we were given the opportunity
to test out the whole Build-A-Bear experience.
To say we were blown away
would be a complete understatement.
In a word;
it was fantastic.


big brother, little sister

I cannot even begin to tell you
how much these two bless me,
how much they make me smile
how much they warm my soul
and how much they make my heart swell with pride.


over the moon

I love all my babies.
My beautiful boy.
My beautiful girl.
And my third baby,
this blog.


a second birth story - part ten

The story of the beautiful girl's birth so far is on the birth stories page.

Having started out dealing with the labour quite well,
I had gradually started to lose the plot as the pains got more intense.
Booking as high risk meant that constant monitoring
was hampering my attempts at helping myself.
I agreed to an early exam
in hopes that things were speeding ahead,
and that I was closer to active labour
and an epidural.


in a flash . . .

You hear parents saying it a lot;
that time flies,
that children grow up fast.
But sometimes moments happen
and it seems like life flashed before your eyes.




{our beautiful story} week ten

sunday 3rd march
fun with the farm animals

monday 4th march
my bright eyed girl

tuesday 5th march
"crazy hair"

wednesday 6th march
sibling bath time fun

thursday 7th march
the happiest girl around

friday 8th march
"no no clothes mummy"

saturday 9th march
good morning beautiful girl


twenty-four weeks new

We had reached an exciting milestone.


your twenty-fifth month


You had a great start to your third year.


a second birth story - part nine

The story the the beautiful girl's birth so far is on the birth stories page . . .

I'd booked into hospital as high risk
after my waters went with meconium in them.
I was now just in that waiting bit of labour
where contractions increase in length and intensity.
I'd decided to try gas and air
as I was finding it harder to get through with just breathing.


simple days

The beauty of having children
and especially a toddler,
is that they find such pleasure in simple things.
And that by association
we see the world anew;
through excited eyes,
seeing beauty in the ordinary things.

Toddlers love everything about simple days . . .


{our beautiful story} week nine

sunday 24th february
a little piece of sunshine

monday 25th february 
cheeky chops in her pjs

tuesday 26th february
rocking daddy's football hat

wednesday 27th february
somebody discovered their tongue this week

thursday 28th february
making some new friends

friday 1st march
"look at me. stickers."

saturday 2nd march
a slide big enough for two

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