that a compliment on your children.
People telling me that they think my children are polite,
or good natured,
or cute or happy,
absolutely makes my heart sing.
Because I helped make them
and I'm helping raise them,
and so that compliment is half mine, right?
I don't struggle to see the good in my children,
what parent does?
And by nature I'm a really positive person,
I should have been a spin doctor really,
because I really could put a good spin on most things,
but I don't need spin when it comes to my children.
They light up my world.
End of.
Our life isn't easy,
but it is beautiful.
It's beautiful because we keep out pleasures simple
and because we take the time to really look for the beauty in our everyday lives.
We would love to have more money
and we just about live within our means most months,
but some months we don't.
We don't live a fancy lifestyle.
We have a nice home in a lovely area,
but it's small.
It was perfect for the pair of young professionals that we once were,
it's far from perfect with two young children,
but it's home and it's ours.
I spend a lot of the week doing all the parenting alone,
my husband often leaves home early, returns home late and works when he is home,
and I do the children's meals, the baths, the changes, the playing, the entertaining,
the teaching and the disciplining in between times on my own.
And that is really tough some days.
But we planned the life we have.
We planned our children.
And we felt it was valuable for me to be at home to look after them,
and I thank my lucky stars that we somehow manage for to afford it.
When the toss up is between fancy holidays abroad
and expensive shopping sprees
and the perfect big house,
or tightening our belts a little,
making do with what we have,
and getting the opportunity to be there everyday for our children,
the sacrifices are completely worthwhile.
I have always been a "look on the bright side of life" kind of person.
It's my nature.
I like to see the best in people,
to see the good in every situation,
and to see the beauty in every day life.
And having children has given that an even stronger sense of perspective.
Every single thing that I have is a blessing.
I have rubbish days, because everyone does.
But I know for a fact that lots of people have it far worse than me,
and I like to live my life remembering that fact every single day.
I choose to see the light and not the dark.
I choose to see the beautiful and not the ugly.
I choose to see the love and not the hate.
That doesn't make me naive,
I know those negative things are there,
those darker things touch my life too
and they just make me more determined to look at the positives,
because life is short
and when we choose to look at what we have instead of what we haven't,
we realise that we are already so rich.
but it is beautiful.
It's beautiful because we keep out pleasures simple
and because we take the time to really look for the beauty in our everyday lives.
We would love to have more money
and we just about live within our means most months,
but some months we don't.
We don't live a fancy lifestyle.
We have a nice home in a lovely area,
but it's small.
It was perfect for the pair of young professionals that we once were,
it's far from perfect with two young children,
but it's home and it's ours.
I spend a lot of the week doing all the parenting alone,
my husband often leaves home early, returns home late and works when he is home,
and I do the children's meals, the baths, the changes, the playing, the entertaining,
the teaching and the disciplining in between times on my own.
And that is really tough some days.
But we planned the life we have.
We planned our children.
And we felt it was valuable for me to be at home to look after them,
and I thank my lucky stars that we somehow manage for to afford it.
When the toss up is between fancy holidays abroad
and expensive shopping sprees
and the perfect big house,
or tightening our belts a little,
making do with what we have,
and getting the opportunity to be there everyday for our children,
the sacrifices are completely worthwhile.
I have always been a "look on the bright side of life" kind of person.
It's my nature.
I like to see the best in people,
to see the good in every situation,
and to see the beauty in every day life.
And having children has given that an even stronger sense of perspective.
Every single thing that I have is a blessing.
I have rubbish days, because everyone does.
But I know for a fact that lots of people have it far worse than me,
and I like to live my life remembering that fact every single day.
I choose to see the light and not the dark.
I choose to see the beautiful and not the ugly.
I choose to see the love and not the hate.
That doesn't make me naive,
I know those negative things are there,
those darker things touch my life too
and they just make me more determined to look at the positives,
because life is short
and when we choose to look at what we have instead of what we haven't,
we realise that we are already so rich.
My children haven't ruined anything about my life,
far from it,
far from it,
they have made my life.
They have made it amazing
and I am grateful every. single. day that they are mine.
So my life seems happy and perfect?
That's because that is how it seems to me,
it is perfect to me.
It is everything I ever wanted and more,
it makes me stupidly, unbelievably and incredibly happy
it is perfect to me.
It is everything I ever wanted and more,
it makes me stupidly, unbelievably and incredibly happy
and I make absolutely no apologies for that.
I am proud of what I have,
simple as it may be.
I adore my family,
even on the hardest of days.
I love my life
and everything in it.
And that is why I blog,
to remind myself of the luck that landed in my lap,
and in hopes that maybe I help other people see the luck in theirs.
This blog has made the shortlist for the BritMums Brilliance in Blogging awards.
I'm so thrilled to have been recognised in the Photo category.
So if you love my photography and have a vote to spare
then I'd love you vote.

I am proud of what I have,
simple as it may be.
I adore my family,
even on the hardest of days.
I love my life
and everything in it.
And that is why I blog,
to remind myself of the luck that landed in my lap,
and in hopes that maybe I help other people see the luck in theirs.
This blog has made the shortlist for the BritMums Brilliance in Blogging awards.
I'm so thrilled to have been recognised in the Photo category.
So if you love my photography and have a vote to spare
then I'd love you vote.

This just made me cry. So beautifully written and honest.
ReplyDeleteYour husband looks so proud of you in that photo xx
Thanks hun. But sorry I made you cry. :( x
DeleteWhat a lovely post. Really beautiful. I wish I could think so positively about life and look for the good things, but sometimes dark times take over and it's harder to find the light.
ReplyDeleteYour post has reminded me that the little things count too x
Thank-you. It's tough sometimes, and I had rubbish times just like everyone else, but I do think that looking for good stuff has become a habit which makes it easier for me to get back to being happy again. x
DeleteThis is lovely Lucy. Just like you. I don't life ever can be perfect, certainly not if you don't sit back and appreciate what you have. I am frightened and anxious and worried a lot of the time, and there are lots of things I would change if I could. But I love my life. I know I'm blessed to have what I have. I just sometimes wish I could be dealt a fairer hand once-in-a-while. Life has been tough for me recently, but that is life. I'm not sure if I'm an optimist or not. I think, when there is a glass half full of milk, or a glass half empty, I probably just see it as a glass of milk! xxx
ReplyDeleteI think life has it's seasons of up and down. I send a lot of time worrying when my up will run out, I guess all I can do is enjoy it while it lasts, and remember it when things are a bit tougher. x
DeleteLovely post. x
ReplyDeleteThis is such a beautiful post. Your enthusiasm and positive outlook in life really comes across. I imagine it is also infectious for others. A great way to be and something I am sure your children will also learn as they grow up - happy in all circumstances. Congrats on you BiB shortlist!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, I really hope so, if I could wish for one thing for my children it would be a happy outlook on life. Thank-you so much. x
DeleteYou've got my vote missus. I love the photos on your blog. Wish I could spend more time on the ones on mine! You totally deserve to be a finalist :)
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful post! You have such a lovely family. i love reading your blog and you definitely get my vote in the BIBs :)
That's really lovely xx
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful post Lucy. I am privileged to know you in 'real life' and even more privileged to class you as one of my closest friends now, in blogging and in my real life friendships too, and I can vouch for the fact that you are an incredibly positive person. You should never apologise for blogging about the feelings in your heart- it is beautiful one.
ReplyDeleteI also look on the bright side of life. I don't have anything to moan about, our life isn't perfect but it is pretty damn good enough for me. If the time came where I was going through a rough time, then I would write about it as my blog is kind of like my personal diary, but at the moment our ordinary life is something for me to enjoy and remember. I love writing about making memories with our children.
I totally agree with you on your last paragraph- 'even on the hardest of days.I love my life and everything in it.' That sums up for me why I blog- it isn't about remembering the days where they are terrors or the days when you want to cry and can't wait until bedtime- we all have those days, thats a part and parcel of motherhood, but it is about remembering the simplest things that make being a Mother great.
Such an inspiring post. Many people would do good to take a leaf from your book Lucy. I love your blog and you get my vote in BIBs. Good luck :)
ReplyDeleteI am so honoured to be with you in the shortlist! You have inspired me so much xx
ReplyDeleteThis is such a wonderful blog post, Lucy. So honest and heartfelt and it made me sit back, nod and think that you are absolutely right: Some days might be tough, but they are absolutely worth it when you get the most beautiful smile from your babies and their little arms fling around your neck to give you a big hug. x
ReplyDeletethis is a lovely post Lucy. You should be very proud of your lovely family
I think I am a pretty positive person too and even on the days where I count down the hours until bedtime I know full well that I wouldn't change a thing. I am totally happy through the good and bad and I think that is more about the right attitude than about what material things we have in life.
ReplyDeleteI made a promise to myself when I was pregnant the first time to surround myself with positive people who inspire me and make me feel good, which is why I love reading your blog, and love meeting you in real life
What wonderful words. They really resonated with me and made me smile. I also made the decision to be a stay at home mum even though it is tough on my husband to be the sole bread winner. But it is probably the best decision that I ever made as I can never put a price on having brought up my twins. Yes, it was damn hard at times (double trouble!), but I don't have any regrets because life is a blessing and we are the blessed ones...
ReplyDeleteLovely and I couldn't agree more! I am a SAHM-er too and it is the best decision ever. It drives me crazy when people say 'oh you're so lucky'-yes I am lucky but it is also a sacrifice. There are no flash holidays, no flash cars and my husband works long and hard hours so that we can afford to have me home with our children. They are our absolute reason for this hard work and worth every penny.
Ok I am going to try again, every time I comment from my phone they disappear.
ReplyDeleteWhat did I say...
A beautiful post, having met you a few times I can honestly say I find this post to be so true, you are so happy with life and it exudes from you, it makes you feel happy when around you and you can see this with your children too.
I today am really struggling with some inner demons as life throws me another pile of awfulness but reading this post makes me realise that no matter what when I go home I go home to 2 incredible children and a man who I get to call my best friend, we are by no means the perfect couple but I am thankful that I found someone I want to spend the rest of my days with.
Grayson was never what I planned and yes it is hard, but I am very grateful that I was chosen to be his crusader, he has made me the woman I am today and I am not sure that I could have said that 4 years ago.
Thanks you as always for inspiring me x
This is such a wonderful post. I think it says everything about parenting. More than any published book.
ReplyDeleteI agree that if you are fortunate enough to be able to choose, this is the best possible way to life.
And it is true to more than parenting.
It's so wonderful to read it. To see it in one place.
So have encapsulated so much that is true about life.
(For some reason I can't find the words to write what I mean. I read this on Friday as we drove to a weekend away, and haven't stopped thinking about it since- it meant a lot!).
Brilliant, I love this. The choice to always lookon the bright side makes such a difference in life. Mich x
ReplyDeletea beautiful and inspiring post, you are definitely already a 2%er. :)
ReplyDeleteI feel like I could have written that (expect I live in a teeny flat in a mediocre or ok area lol), seriously though I have suffered from depression and that has really hindered my ability to truly SEE the positives in life but with a lot of fight and spirit I fought back and I know that even if I never got another piece of luck again that I am truly blessed to have my 2 beautiful children and a husband that reminds me everyday what I mean to him. xxxx Your family sounds amazing hun x. You've just inspired me to write about mow lucky I am next :-)