{the ordinary moments} summer feet

Everything about life with small children is fleeting.
The days and weeks run away from you
and before you know where you are another month is gone,
another season is reaching an end.

Summer is ending
and with it, we will soon say goodbye
to my beautiful boy's flip-flop tan lines.
Marks on his skin that tell the story of a summer spent enjoying the sunshine.
Just ordinary little toddler feet
with a special little story to tell.

mummy daddy me


  1. those little feet do look like they could tell you a story or two! x

  2. Cute feet! I love toddler feet! I have a one I took this week of the little mans feet whilst her was sitting too me.. I love the little story behind it too x

  3. Aw, such cute tan lines! Kitty has been wearing Crocs all summer and despite my very best hopes they haven't given her polka dot feet - which may or may not have anything to do with her propensity to discard them at the first opportunity!

  4. I thought I was the only person obsessed with taking photos of my children's feet! I just can't get over how small and tiny they are. And where will these feet take them? I'm a sentimental old fool!

  5. Beautiufl words and lovely pic - you can't beat little feet x

  6. Awww I love small feet. Can't stand grown up feet though.

  7. Aw this photo made me feel a little sad in a nostalgic way. We have had such a great summer, I will be sad when it is over. Good tan lines BB! x

  8. Love this photo, it is so cute, what a summer he has had x

  9. Is that droplets of water I see on the right foot?
    Fresh out of the bath?
    A beautiful photo as usual xxx

  10. So cute! C and I both noticed this year that we are sporting lovely flip flop tan lines.

  11. I love his dinky tan lines. There's something so British about that too! I think he has gorgeous feet as well. Feet are such funny things really, but children always carry them so well. :) xx

  12. aww this is so sweet and so very true, Loving the tiny feet picture , great post xx

  13. I love summer feet too - Kittys are constantly dirty or sandy at the moment but I guess that's the sign of adventures had! Lovely shot Lucy x

  14. Oh my gosh the tan lines are so cute! x


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