him and her {week thirty-nine}

he is such a fascinating little guy,
especially now he's started coming out with things he's learned at preschool,
but he's also having a "push those boundaries" phase again,
where he seems to think he is in charge.

she is two and really not a baby anymore,
she's gradually getting used to mornings without her big bro around,
lots of new little toys for imaginary play are helping,
and she's especially liking all the mummy time it gives her.


  1. They do both look so grown up, especially the Beautiful Girl. I'm glad preschool seems to be going well for all of you too!

  2. BG looks so grown up now! We are also having the testing boundaries time of the start of preschool but LP does love it although she ends up exhausted! x

  3. I think we are in just exactly the same phase of life right now... This could describe my two littl'uns too! Such lovely photographs.xxx

  4. I shed a tear as they grow too quickly. I can't believe we both now have two toddlers and no babies anymore. It goes so fast. Beautiful Girl has grown up so much in the last few months too. As has BB too! Starting preschool. Love that the double team all have kids starting school next september. That is going to be such an emotional time for us all! ;) Glad we all have each other for it. Love this shots. You always take amazing shots of BB &BG! I so need lessons on how to get them to look at the camera straight! lol Lovely post hunny

  5. Seriously, when did they get so grown up? BG suddenly looks so much older than 2 xxx


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