bluebell days

I absolutely love bluebells.
And anyone who has been following this blog for a while
will know that popping along to the bluebell woods
is a scheduled in part of Dear Beautiful spring times.

I have so many memories of going to the bluebell woods near my grandparents'
and having such adventures among those beautiful blue flowers.
The first year we took the little man it was practically the end of the season
and the best of the flowers were starting to disappear,
but he still enjoyed his little bluebell walk.
Last year we had a lovely time
watching our two little ones sit in amongst the flowers.
But this year was a full blown proper adventure,
with two independent and inquisitive little people
who loved every second.

I don't think I ever remember seeing the bluebells so abundant and so lush.
They are out a little early this year too, 
so the early spring and mild, wet winter clearly agree with them.
It was like a blanket of blue in places as we went through the wood,
it was simply stunning.


  1. I absolutely love Bluebells. Such gorgeous photos, so happy and 'spring' x

    1. I feel the same, nothing says spring to me quite like a wood full of bluebells! x

  2. We spent this weekend in Bluebell woods too. It's funny, Katie has a post about a rapeseed field which we also did this weekend. Love the colours in this post. There is something so special about Bluebell woods.

    1. Haha, it's definitely the time of year for it. I actually took all these last weekend, but had so many Easter pictures to post first. x

  3. Really gorgeous photos Lucy, and i adore the colour coordination of your little people- even my husband said 'oh look, BG has a blue bow on to match the flowers!' Gorgeous! xx

    1. Oh I'm so glad that my colour coordination didn't go unnoticed!!! ;) x

  4. Looks like a great deal of fun, I keep meaning to take Addison to the woods but ours can not accept pushchairs so I need a day where I don't have superstar Grayson xx

    1. It really was, but as you say it's tough going in a wood with a buggy. x

  5. those pictures are so beautiful! i've never seen so many bluebells in my life but i guess it must be wonderful!

    1. I was so impressed, that's the most impressive bluebell display that I can remember seeing. x

  6. Beautiful! I don't think it's Spring until we've had a picnic in the bluebell woods. I love the first picture <3

    1. Definitely! Spring is all about adventures in the flowers if you ask me. x

  7. Love these. We went bluebell hunting this weekend but the woods we went to only had about four!! x

    1. Thanks lovely. I saw that you went on an unsuccessful hunt. It is still early, hopefully you'll find some soon. x

  8. Thanks lovely. I'm so glad we have this beautiful wood near us. We're kind of a bit spoilt for choice around here actually. x

  9. oh these photos are so lovely, I dont think I have ever seen bluebells.. well maybe not as much as your photos, I surely haven't lived must go on a hunt they must be somewhere around here!

  10. I love the first couple of them sat together, they look like fairies. If fairies wore such garments as trainers and checked shirts. So cute. We haven't been to the bluebells yet this year, and as we all know it is such a blogger/photographers paradise so we really need to make a trip! ;) x

  11. I love them sat together. Picture perfect amongst the bluebells. I need a field of bluebells so stunning. They are so cute. I not sure if you did it on purpose but I love their coordinating outfits. Adorable. What a lovely lovely moment you have captured of them together. Great place to visit too I am so jealous.

  12. Love these pictures. They make me so excited to see Paige and her baby brother together. So sweet xx

  13. Such beautiful pictures! Looks like they had a a lovely time. :)

  14. Oh they're beautiful pictures - I love bluebells but we haven't made it to ours yet - hopefully the rain will hold off at the weekend!


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