our welsh adventure

music credit: Wake Me Up by Avicii

One of our highlights of spring time 
is a trip to 'the farm'.
Ever since my husband and I got together
a trip to his aunt and uncle's farm in Wales
has been a feature of Easter time,
and we absolutely love it there.

Last year we didn't manage a visit,
because sharing a bedroom with a six month old who didn't sleep
and a light sleeping two year old seemed like a recipe for disaster.
But this year, with older children
who are very used to sharing a bedroom,
we were really looking forward to going
and seeing all the animals,
and some of the family too of course.

It didn't disappoint.

Our little man has asked repeatedly ever since we got home
whether we can go back to the farm soon to see his friend Auntie Ann.
And he likes talking about Doris the pig to anyone who asks how his trip away was.
Our little miss spent the entire time with her eyes wide with excitement
as she well and truly charmed everyone she met.

With lots of animals,
a good dose of sunshine, 
plenty of doting family members,
and stunning scenery
you can't go wrong really.

In the video you can see the beautiful girl and I using a Boba 4G baby carrier.
I literally cannot rave about this baby carrier enough,
it was made trips out as a family so much easier.
With two little ones now happily walking,
its really nice to have some freedom from the buggy,
especially on trips like this one,
where a buggy would have been a nightmare to move around.
But our little lady and her little legs,
just aren't up to walking all day,
and this baby carrier gives us freedom from the buggy,
but the flexibility to be able to easily give her a rest when needed.

I didn't really get on that well with baby wearing when she was smaller,
but I think we must have just had the wrong carrier,
because we've already used this carrier lots,
and I think we will continue to do so on outings over the spring and summer.

The versatility of being able to carry her on our fronts or backs,
means it's easier to get her comfortable and to feel comfortable ourselves.
And I absolutely love having her so close,
and she loves the view she gets.

The carrier is comfortable to wear in either the front or rear positions,
with padding in all the right places,
and she feels super secure and safe in it.
In fact her big bro has even been in a little ride in it too,
and he felt equally sturdy when strapped in place.
It's suitable from birth with a special insert,
which I think makes this a great buy,
considering my preschooler can still happily use it.

Slumber Roo sent us the Boba 4G in the colour Dusk,
which is a really good neutral colour
and works brilliantly for both me and the husband.
But they also make them in a variety of brighter and patterned designs,
which are really fun.

If you want to see more of our videos
then you can find them all on our movies page.

We were sent the baby carrier free of charge for the purpose of this review
but all words and opinions are my own.


  1. What a lovely video, it looks like a great Weekend. I love all the footage from the train, Mads would loved to have gone on that she is train mad. Wales is such a beautiful part of the world, I have such great memories from weekends there as as a child. BG and BB looked like they had a lovely time! x

    1. That's lovely, we had the greatest time. And the train was fab, I suspect we'll be tracking down steam trains near us for another visit. x

  2. It looks like such a wonderful place to visit. I can see why the children loved it so much. How lucky you all are to have that in the family xx

    1. We definitely feel so lucky to be able to visit family in such a beautiful place. The kids had a great time, as did we. x

  3. Looks like you all had an amazing time! I love family videos, it's something they can look back on and smile about :) xx

    1. My kids are a bit obsessed with watching the old videos back. They love seeing themselves on film, and it's nice because I think it helps them remember. x

  4. Looks like you all had an amazing time. We've had fun on a farm too, perfect for kids. Lovely video xx

  5. Looks like a lovely time away and the BG looked so happy in the carrier too :)

    1. Thanks, we had a great time. And yes, she's a big fan of the carrier; satisfies her nosey tendencies and her need to be near mummy. x

  6. Thank-you. And I agree, the kids seem to have grown up loads lately. Farms are such a great place to visit, fascinating for kids and adults alike. x

  7. How lovely to have a farm to visit at Easter, looks like a lot of fun. Every time I watch your videos I think I should film the children more, need to get my act together, they will be so special to look back on with your children when they are older xx

  8. What a great video to treasure! Wales is so beautiful (a rival for Cornwall if I don't say so myself) and it looks like you all had a fab time visiting the animals and spending time with family. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  9. Oohh a video post is always great. Something different. HUsband's family is from there and I always wanted to go and visit his relatives.. now I really want to go cuz of this post =) #countrykids


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