him and her {week three}

he is trying desperately (and failing) to assert some authority,
moves his body in different ways lately which are so grown up,
and gets so excited about sofa cuddles with a blanket.

she is a mixture of inquisitive, adventrous and hilarious,
will grab hold and pull us in so tightly for cuddles,
and thinks all food was put on this earth for her to eat. 

I've linked up these ordinary moment from our week
with Mummy Daddy Me's The Ordinary Moments linky.


  1. Oh that made me giggle - I've got two girls who appear to have hollow legs, and Elma is similarly convinced that there is no food (or drink) that she shouldn't try. We drew the line at Daddy's beer but it turned out she quite likes curry!

  2. Aww that's lovely - fabulous photos as well too too. Just wonderful :)

  3. I absolutely love love your him and her weekly posts. I am glad I am not just the only one with a toddler who eats everything in sight. I think his sister is following right in his footsteps too.

  4. Both so adorable and you always catch them busy with something

  5. Beautiful and your little lady looks rather mischievous in the bottom picture ;)

  6. she's so cute trying to reach candies!

  7. Love the backlit photo of your boy - looking very grown up!

  8. ha ha i love the photo of her trying to reach those chocolates! x

  9. What gorgeous kiddies and lovely photos. My little lad is the same, if he is not reaching for food he's throwing it!!

  10. They are both just beautiful Lucy, you've captured great little moments there x

  11. Both are such gorgeous clicks! i love the way she is reaching for chocolates and the way you said she thinks all food on the earth is for her :) xx

  12. I love that bottom picture, BG is looking so grown up with pig tails! (We always have the bounty left too)

  13. Haha, loving photos and your children are soooo adorable! My daughter can relate to yours as she too thinks that all food on this earth was made for her to eat, lol x

  14. Gorgeous shots, I love seeing BG going for those Bounty's.
    BB is such a sweet soul x

  15. I love the fact that these shots kind of portray your children exactly how I see them- BB as the quiet gentle one and BG as the cheeky monkey! xx

  16. They really are adorable. Loved how BG thinks all food is for her, Daisy is the same hee hee xx

  17. Gorgeous photos, I love the perspective in the second one and his concentration in the first. I cannot wait for our Little Man to be ever so slightly more responsive and doing a little bit more. I know he will be so much happier when he can stand by himself and reach for things!

  18. I love your take on the ordinary moments. Looming at the title from each vie point. Lovely photos too!

  19. Oh lovely lovely pictures. Happiness right there! X


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