Our December hasn't started off in the best style if I'm honest. We are embracing the excitement of the upcoming festivities with as much enthusiasm as we can muster... which isn't as much as I'd like, because so far December has been a sickly one. As I write this I can hear my poorly pair coughing and spluttering in their sleep, and I will shortly pop in to check their temperatures and no doubt re-administer yet another dose of calpol. I love Christmas, but all this Wintery-ness and the associated bugs... well they suck!
Lurgies well and truly scuppered my Siblings photo plans for this month, because taking poorly kids outside in the cold for the soul purpose of getting a photo... well thats just cruel. So we've settled for cosy indoor ones, which actually sums up our month so far pretty well.

The only nice thing to come out of the illness in our household, has been how adorable the children have been together. Yes, they have both been fractious, and a little quicker to get annoyed that usual, but they have been lovely and caring too. The beautiful boy was struck down first, and as he lay on the sofa feeling sorry for himself, his little sister regularly checked up on him; giving him cuddles and kisses, clearly worried about her quiet little playmate. And in turn as she has become ill herself, her big brother is full of sympathy and even offered her his rabbit to cheer her up.
So my pictures are grainy from the lack of light... that's December for you. But if you look past the grain, you'll see that they are sat sharing a book together in matching hats that they insisted on playing in, and you'll spot that they are holding hands as they look at the Christmas tree together. And those are the memories of Christmas that I want to hold dear, the moments where my two enjoyed something together.

And so just like that the Siblings project for 2014 is complete.
One whole year, twelve monthly photos of my favourite little people together.
It went by in a flash.
I can't tell you the pride I feel when I look at the photos all together; see how my children have grown, how they relationship has changed and their bond has strengthened over this year. And it makes me so excited for 2015... because yes, Siblings will be back in 2015. I couldn't stop taking these regular little snapshots of my two together now.
I really had no idea how many people would embrace Siblings when it started in January, but every month it's like a little bit of sunshine, popping around to see all the photos of lovely sibling togetherness. It really makes me smile, and I'm so glad that other people are enjoying snapping their children together as much as I am.
And if you've even for a second thought about joining in with us, then it's never too late. And January is the lovely clean slate to start on. And if that doesn't convince you, maybe this will... because if I wasn't already doing it, then I'm pretty sure it would convince me.

Don't forget to stop by and see the cohosts in the linky, but you should definitely go and check out Katie's at Mummy Daddy Me. And if you visit it her, she'll send you on to someone else and you can travel around in a little circle visiting all the cohosts. We are all so proud to have reached the year marker, so do go and say hi.

I can't believe another year is over. Your pictures make me so excited for the future and seeing Paige and Parker that bit older. I can't wait until I have a year of pictures to look back on. xx
ReplyDeleteAhhh so beautiful. I love the festive last month's sibling photos. I love the round it. It's been so amazing seeing my kids each month grow what a amazing linky. Look forward to doing it again next year! They grow so fast. Your two have really grown up this year together so beautiful to watch. A year of those pictures makes me broody somehow and want more kiddies. I just went aweeee how cute when I saw them!
ReplyDeleteI pushed the button too soon, wanted to say I really hope they are feeling better soon too. It's so hard when they are sick. Bless them. Get it all over with before Christmas so that can be merry and bright again for the festive day! lol :)
DeleteOh poor little babies. I hope they both get better soon. These pictures are still beautiful darling and sometimes, just those little quiet moments can be the most beautiful x
ReplyDeleteLovely how in illness they turned to comfort each other! Great having a year's worth of siblings photos to see how they've grown month by month.
ReplyDeleteOh, I do hope they get better soon. Yes, coughs, colds and bugs abound, and you just want them to be well for the big day, don't you? Gorgeous photos of them, and the round up is lovely x
ReplyDeleteA year gone already - who would have thought it! I've loved being part of Siblings Lucy - thank you for having me involved, it's been a pleasure. It's made me realise just how many photos I took without them both in before - and how as they grow older it'll be the shots of them together they'll value the most.
ReplyDeleteI love your festive photos, love and better health wishes to you and yours xx
Thank you so much for creating this portrait project Lucy - and the other projects. They have kept my blog focused on the things it should be about, given me photos of my children together that I wouldn't otherwise have and putting together this month's post, seeing the children grow through the year was so emotional. Thanks for giving me that. Looking forward to 2015! x
ReplyDeleteLucy, these pics are so beautiful! We've had a similarly sicky start to the month... So much so, that I totally forgot it was siblings today. So our December picture is very real, very grainy and very unstated! I have loved doing this project and hope to do a montage of our year ready for siblings January... THANKYOU for the incentive to do this!
ReplyDeleteI think the siblings project is just lovely and a gorgeous way to record the growing relationships between siblings. I am so glad you are carrying it on next year and very glad to be able to join in with you :) sorry your little ones have been poorly, there's a lot of coughing going on in our house too :/ gorgeous shots though :)
ReplyDeleteI love the hats! I might have to join in next year as photgraphing three together sounds pretty challenging!
ReplyDeleteI love the bond the is between brothers and sisters and your pictures capture it beautifully :) Hope they feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear your little ones have been unwell this month and hope they are both better soon. Love your photos even if they are a bit grainy because they so beautifully capture the sibling bond between your beautiful children and the magic of Christmas too. I especially love the one with them holding hands and looking at the tree. Thank you for hosting Siblings - I have loved joining in each month and so lovely to look back over the photos and see how everyone's families change and grow x
ReplyDeleteAww the pictures are adorable!! Such a cute bond between them <3 Xx
Sorry to hear you've had a house full of bugs...your pictures are gorgeous though, such a special little moment captured with them reading a book together :) I will definitely be joining in next year, I have loved keeping this little record of my two siblings.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear you haven't been well. I hope you are all feeling better soon. These are such gorgeous pictures! They really are quite cosy. It's been a great linky to join in with and I can't wait to carry on in 2015. BG has grown so much this year. They change so much over the first few years I think x
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful set of photos, putting all mine over the year Its crazy how quick it has gone. We have loved joining in and hopefully I shall put more effort in 2015! much love x
ReplyDeleteAww - even though you've had a hard start to December, your photos of your little twosome are still very sweet. They capture very well the cosiness of this time of year, even if it is spoiled by nasty germs. I hope your littlies get well soon. I am looking forward to continuing with joining in with this linky in 2015 - it's a great idea. x
ReplyDeleteI think technical perfection aside, the moment is what counts. Picture perfect is wonderful, but remembering being in that time is precious. I hope your little pair feel better soon. Cosy pictures are the best in this weather, truthful and honest too! I love their santa hats! and them holding hands, so sweet. xxxx
ReplyDeleteOh wow, I can't believe how much they've changed since January! I'm sorry they're poorly now though, its never any fun to be I'll and it just seems to make the winter that bit harder but you have some lovely photos nonetheless, photos of the quietness of winter perhaps? It's lovely to see everyone's collections of a whole year's photos too and I've enjoyed every minute of it - now I just need to start thinking about 2015!
ReplyDeleteIllness sucks, we've had nearly a month of it with things getting passed through the family and now I feel crap. Worst thing about winter. Lovely festive photos and it's so nice to look through a year worth of photos, I need to put all mine together still, it's crazy how much they have changed! x
ReplyDeleteDespite your illnesses they are still such beautiful pictures, I've only just found out about the siblings project as I'm very new to the blogging community but I'd love to join in next year so it's going in my diary now! Can't wait to get started and share in everyone else pictures.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear your little ones are ill, it feels like we are always in a constant state of illness at this time of year! I love this project and I'm so glad I can now take part. Loved looking at all of your photos from the year, your little lady really has grown up so much. I think I will should do a post showing all the photos so far, even if just a few months. Hope you have a great Christmas x x
ReplyDeleteAdorable photos! I hope everyone feels better and you have a nice Christmas!!
ReplyDeleteLove those cosy hats, and it's great to be able to do an end of year round up now. Thanks so much to all of you for this fab linky idea - I will be back next year, hopefully with a better camera if Santa is good to me :) x
ReplyDeleteI'm going to join in religiously next year now my siblings are complete
ReplyDeleteOh! You always take the sweetest pictures. That first one took my breath away.
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm late to the party, but better late than never right? Hope your little ones are on the mend. The lurgy has claimed our house too. Grim isn't it? Lovely pictures as always. I'm definitely carrying on with siblings next year, if you'll have us? Xx