Rich is loving
* teaching the kids to ride their bikes.
* settling into some more routine.
* a weekend with family visiting.
* barbecuing and getting the garden sorted for summer.
* watching Jessica Jones.
Lucy is loving
* watching our brood of four bonding.
* St Tropez pre shower tanner.
* newborn smell.
* planning for holiday.
* May Day Fayre in our old village.
Dylan is loving
* being in the dance show
* being a big brother to a little brother.
* reading David Walliams' books.
* riding his bike without stabilisers.
* taking a bedtime shower instead of a bath.
Everly is loving
* showing off her baby at school.
* her Belle dress for the dance show.
* holding Wylder in her lap.
* changing out of her uniform after school.
* playing outside.
Quinn is loving
* strawberry mini milk lollies.
* watching Bubble Guppies.
* playing with Duplo for hours.
* wearing the same rainbow dress over and over again (I've bought a second one!)
* being in the garden.
Wylder is loving
* milk.
* swaddling.
* white noise.
* trying out his smile.
* car sleeps.

This past month has been all about settling into our new normal as a family of six. Six? My goodness that just sounds crazy. But here we are, all six of us, in all our bank holiday glory. Aren't those two bank holiday weekends just the best bit of May. I feel like they have been so well timed for us this year; giving us a little more family time in the work-life balance as we find our feet with a newborn in the house again.
It's been a lovely month. We've enjoyed the newborn bubble and in so many ways it's flown by in a haze of cuddles and night feeds and every single one of us learning new things. But it all honesty aside from the novelty and excitement of Wylder which is yet to wear off for any of us, it's been a pretty normal kind of month really. Barbecues on sunny weekends, juggling the children' busy social schedules, little adventures together.
But as you read this we are actually off on our first BIG adventure as a six. We're currently sunning ourselves in Ibiza. As I'm writing this to schedule for while we're away, I hope it doesn't tempt fate to say that we bravely took four children on a plane and lived to tell the tale. There aren't many 5 week olds who can boast a stamp in their passport, but our five week old does. It's not every day that your uncle, my baby brother, decides to get married in Ibiza; and that simply isn't something you miss... however terrifying the prospect of travelling with four little people might be.

Ahhh these are just darling hunny and I loved following along your Ibiza adventure with six so amazing how you do it I will never know. Super mom!